Friday, November 13, 2009

Post Network Era-Death of Television?

Lotz's claims are interestingly similar to that of my own way of thinking. She speaks of this new, progressive television era which demands consumers to swallow up propaganda on sources other than cable network. The progression is in other stronger media like that of the internet; such as the phenomena of youtube, that most Americans are knowledgable about and use frequently in their daily culture.

Places like, or, and netfliz, among other things, provide people with the means of continuing on with their daily fast-paced schedules. This is an era of the need for convience and apathy within it. It is to my belief that Americans hold a certain type of an ego that all things are better left done on one's own time and that alone. An egotistical personality is found in many Americans. It is easier for people to be served online or via netflix, which ships personalized orders to individuals. The more privatized elements are for people, the more people buy into being able to stamp their name with favorites.

Moreover, with the decaying economy, people at work are not viewing as much television as they have done in past generations-especially since television has long since been a booming phenomenon. There is much diffusion. Historically, television has been known as a symbol of unity. For instance, even still, the superbowl is popular in today's culture.

Today, television and internet are being integrated into one dimension. Subsumption and incorporation methods are being practiced here. However, television lifespan vs. computer lifespan shows the people that televisions are produced to last longer than computers, often times. Then again, technology is now making appliances to break faster so that people will continue on with consumerism and buy into the new technology or mass media.

At last, the televison revolution is rapidly changing with new devlopments. This integrative model is good for creativity. Additionally, it is good for democratic values. It allows for more human choice. In this effect, increased freedom is expressed for the people who consume mass media. This revolution is profitable and powerful. Conglomerates like network holders and production studios will benefit. New corporate players will arrive.

Yet again, there are catch 22s here. With this sort of dimensional model comes an overload of choice for consumers. While vertical integration enables new changes and gives other things a chance it can over-monopolize corporations and become a profitized mess. Quality versus profits. How much is too much? Big monopolies should not swallow all the little things.

There is a following debate. Should Americans be more trusting of international conglomerates to compete globally? Should we step over our boundaries and change landscapes? There is the culturally optimistic debate and the Americanized corporation/mergers debate. I believe Americans will continue to form monopolized corporations and bind themselves to them. At the same time, American corporations will keep an eye out for cultural idealism.

At last, in my opinion, television will not die out, but instead continue to expand into inventive ways. Technology is allowing for more options and more efficient accessibility. Fragmentation is easier with options. There is a sense of overload in network for people, but it is need to gain consumer ratings of interest, so television won't downfall. If consumers don't like the product, then they won't buy into it. Decisions of individuals affect these industries so corporations will give people what they need. As long as consumer's needs are being met, the industry will not fail.

Life is about experiencing reality in the real. What is new and upcoming? Many things. I am pulling for a young, independent directors film channel. I'd like to see more independent film and underground artists making their way into network television.

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